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SEIU PA State Council Announces Endorsed Candidates for the 2024 General Election

July 30, 2024

SEIU PA State Council Announces Endorsed Candidates for the 2024 General Election

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Pennsylvania State Council, which represents 80,000 workers statewide – including property service workers, health care workers, public service workers, school employees, laundry and distribution workers – announced its endorsed candidates for the 2024 General Election.

SEIU PA State Council Announces Endorsed Candidates for the 2024 General Election

Harrisburg - . Today, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Pennsylvania State Council, which represents 80,000 workers statewide – including property service workers, health care workers, public service workers, school employees, laundry and distribution workers – announced its endorsed candidates for the 2024 General Election.

"For far too long, major corporations have rigged the rules in their favor and have left working people in the dust," said Gabe Morgan, President of the SEIU PA State Council and Vice President of SEIU 32BJ. “Our members will work hard to send these candidates to Harrisburg - and keep working with them to make sure our Legislature prioritizes working people over corporate profits.”

"Caregivers must have our voices heard through our hard work and sacrifice. That's why we are proud to endorse candidates who are champions and will work tirelessly to end the crisis of short staffing, raise wages for all workers, and fight for ‘Unions For All’ to expand labor rights to all working people," said Matt Yarnell, Secretary Treasurer of the SEIU PA State Council and President of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania. "Workers know the stakes of this election and are taking action to shape our future by who we endorse and support."

"Pennsylvania workers need bold leadership in Harrisburg. They need elected leaders who will use every tool at their disposal to rewrite the rules to hold corporations responsible and put power back in the hands of working people.That’s why we’re proud to endorse the following SEIU champions for the 2024 General Election,” said Steve Catanese, President of SEIU Local 668.

The SEIU State Council is comprised of SEIU Local 32BJ, SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania, SEIU Local 668, and the Pennsylvania Joint Board of Workers United. The following is the first wave list of SEIU Pennsylvania State Council endorsed candidates:

U.S. President

Kamala Harris

U.S. Senator

Bob Casey

PA Attorney General

Eugene DePasquale

U.S. House

CD 2 Brendan Boyle

CD 3 Dwight Evans

CD 4 Madeleine Dean

CD 5 Mary Gay Scanlon

CD 6 Chrissy Houlahan

CD 7 Susan Wild

CD 8 Matt Cartwright

CD 10 Janelle Stelson

CD 12 Summer Lee

CD 17 Chris Deluzio

PA Senate

SD 1 Nikil Saval

SD 3 Sharif Street

SD 5 Jimmy Dillon

SD 7 Vincent Hughes

SD 9 John Kane

SD 11 Judith Schwank

SD 15 Patty Kim

SD 17 Amanda Cappelletti

SD 19 Carolyn Comitta

SD 43 Jay Costa

SD 45 Nick Pisciottanno

SD 47 Jim Wertz

PA House

HD 1 Patrick Harkins

HD 3 Ryan Bizzarro

HD 16 Rob Matzie

HD 19 Aerion Abney

HD 20 Emily Kinkead

HD 21 Lindsay Powell

HD 22 Josh Siegel

HD 23 Dan Frankel

HD 24 La'Tasha Mayes

HD 25 Brandon Markosek

HD 26 Paul Friel

HD 27 Daniel Deasy

HD 28 William Petulla

HD 29 Tim Brennan

HD 32 Joe McAndrew

HD 33 Mandy Steele

HD 34 Abigail Salisbury

HD 35 Matt Gergely

HD 36 Jess Benham

HD 38 John Inglis

HD 41 Brad Chambers

HD 42 Dan Miller

HD 44 Hadley Haas

HD 49 Izzy Smith-Wade-El

HD 53 Steve Malagari

HD 54 Greg Scott

HD 59 Margie Zelenak

HD 61 Liz Handbidge

HD 70 Matthew Bradford

HD 74 Dan Wiliams

HD 82 Paul Takac

HD 88 Sara Agerton

HD 95 Carol Hill-Evans

HD 96 Mike Sturla

HD 103 Nate Davidson

HD 104 David Madsen

HD 105 Justin Fleming

HD 112 Kyle Mullins

HD 113 Kyle Donahue

HD 114 Bridget Kosierowski

HD 115 Maureen Madden

HD 118 Jim Haddock

HD 121 Eddie Day Pashinski

HD 129 Johanny Cepeda-Freyitz

HD 132 Mike Schlossberg

HD 133 Jeanne McNeill

HD 134 Peter Schweyer

HD 135 Steve Samuelson

HD 136 Robert Freeman

HD 137 Anna Thomas

HD 140 Jim Prokopiak

HD 141 Tina Davis
HD 144 Brian Munroe

HD 146 Joe Ciresi

HD 148 Mary Jo Daley

HD 149 Tim Briggs

HD 150 Joe Webster

HD 151 Melissa Cerrato

HD 152 Nancy Guenst

HD 153 Ben Sanchez

HD 154 Napoleon Nelson

HD 155 Danielle Otten

HD 156 Chris Pielli

HD 157 Melissa Shusterman

HD 158 Christine Sappey

HD 159 Carol Kazeem

HD 160 Elizabeth Moro

HD 161 Leanne Krueger

HD 162 Dave Dellosso

HD 163 Heather Boyd

HD 164 Gina Curry

HD 165 Jen O’Mara

HD 167 Kristine Howard

HD 168 Lisa Borowski

HD 173 Pat Gallagher

HD 174 Ed Neilson

HD 175 Mary Issacson

HD 177 Joe Hohenstein

HD 179 Jason Dawkins

HD 180 Jose Giral

HD 182 Ben Waxman

HD 184 Elizabeth Fiedler

HD 185 Regina Young

HD 186 Jordan Harris

HD 188 Rick Krajewski

HD189 Tarah Probst

HD 190 Roni Green

HD 191 Joanna McClinton

HD 192 Morgan Cephas

HD 194 Tarik Khan

HD 195 Donna Bullock

HD 197 Danilo Burgos

HD 198 Darisha Parker

HD 200 Chris Rabb

HD 201 Andre Carroll

HD 202 Jared Solomon

HD 203 Anthony Bellmon