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Northampton County Human Services Workers Overwhelmingly Approve New 3-Year Contract.

June 24, 2024

When we fight, we win!

Last week, SEIU Local 668 members across Northampton County Human Services Agencies voted to approve a three-year contract with substantial, permanent wage increases. The contract includes a 15% wage increase over three years, at 5% annually.

Over the last several months, members have been engaged in worksite solidarity actions, signed and submitted petitions to the County Council, and addressed County Council meetings. After nearly a year of negotiations, union members rejected the last proposal in May, authorizing the Negotiating Team to call a strike. Back at the bargaining table this week, the County improved its offer.

“This contract is a first step on a long road toward fixing the recruitment and retention crisis across public services in Northampton County and serves as a lesson for other communities fighting the same battle. For too long, public service work has been undervalued and underfunded. Only when workers take action and stand together can we create the change we need for our communities to thrive in the future,” stated Kezzy Johnson, SEIU Local 668 chief shop steward.

“Our negotiating team was committed to securing permanent raises for everyone. Faced with a revolving door of vacancies, workers who provide valuable public services have struggled to handle increased caseloads. This problem needs to be addressed seriously, and our members took a stand for real solutions, and they won. At the end of the day, we were happy to reach an agreement with the County and preserve services for the community,” added Steve Catanese, SEIU Local 668 president.

Salaries for these workers are reimbursed approximately 80% by state funds.
