2023 COPA FAQs
Below are Frequently Asked Questions regarding the 2023-2027 Tentative Agreement for state workers covered under the SEIU Local 668 collective bargaining agreement. We will continue to add to this page as additional questions arise from the membership.
If you have additional questions that are not discussed on this page, please send a personal email to Local668@seiu668.org today.
After months of negotiations, your SEIU 668 2023 State Contract Negotiations Team is proud to present our tentative agreement with the Commonwealth. This contract is a historic achievement for our Union. Our team has unanimously voted to recommend that the membership vote to ACCEPT and ratify this agreement.
2023-2027 Wage Calculator
Download a copy of the SEIU 668 Wage Calculator here.
Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, August 9th at 6PM
We will be holding one additional virtual meeting for anyone who was unable to attend an in-person or previous virtual meeting to discuss the tentative agreement–you can RSVP to attend this meeting below.
Wednesday 8/9 @ 6PM via Zoom–RSVP Here:** https://forms.gle/BbcyiLUS7h2ZwE5TA**
SEIU 668 Ratification Timeline:
August 1st @ 5PM—Deadline for new members sign-up to vote via 668 website: https://bit.ly/PLRBSEIU668R
August 4th—Packets mailed via USPS with voting information and Summary of Changes sent from American Arbitration Association (AAA) to all eligible members
August 7th—Voting begins as members begin to receive voting packets
August 17th @ 11:59PM—Voting ends
August 18th—Final vote outcome released
If you or someone in your shop are paying dues and do not receive a voting packet by Tuesday, August 15th please call AAA and speak to Maria at 215-731-2280.
Frequently Asked Questions
We will continue to add to this page as additional questions arise from the membership.
If you have additional questions that are not discussed on this page, please send a personal email to Local668@seiu668.org today.
What is the length of the contract?
The contract covers four (4) years, from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2027.
Did we get a raise?
Yes, we did. Over the course of the four-year agreement, workers covered by the contract will receive a 20.25% raise in the following increments:
- July 1, 2023—5.00% - General Pay Increase
- January 1, 2024 – Step Increase (2.25%)
- July 1, 2024 – 2.00% - General Pay Increase
- January 1, 2025 – Step Increase (2.25%)
- July 1, 2025 - 2.25% General Pay Increase
- January 1, 2026 - Step Increase (2.25%)
- July 1, 2026 – 2.00% General Pay Increase
- January 1, 2027 – Step Increase (2.25%)
Instead of a one-time cash lump sum payment in the first year of the contract our negotiation team fought for more money to be front-loaded into the contract as permanent raises. This increased the total raises in the first year of the contract to 7.25%.
When the contract provides for an annual step increase, employees at the top of the pay scale will receive a one time-cash payment equivalent to the step increases. This is one of the strongest total economic packages in the history of the union and the largest first-year raise since the early 1980s.
When compounded, these wage increases total more than 22% over the life of the contract. Find your exact wage increase via the wage calculator linked here.
Do I qualify for a step increase?
In order to qualify for a January 2024 step increase, you must have been employed by the Commonwealth on or prior to January 31, 2023 and have remained employed continuously since then. Subsequent years would work in a similar way – the individual must have been working for the Commonwealth prior to January 31st of the previous year and remained employed continuously until the following January to receive a step increase.
Are our raises retroactive? When will this new contract go into effect?
Yes. The union was able to secure retroactivity, meaning the first raise will be retroactive to July 1. This means for hours worked since July 1, you would be compensated for an additional five percent (5%) for the hours you worked since that date.
Once the contract vote closes and we have the ratification vote outcome on August 18th, we’ll communicate the outcome to the employer.
If the membership votes to accept this tentative agreement, it will likely take a pay period or two for all of the economic pieces to go into effect–members will receive retroactive pay to 7/1/23 on a normal paycheck and their raises will be automatic moving forward. Once the vote is completed, we will notify members as quickly as possible of when to expect implementation.
Did we win any other economic gains?
Yes! The Commonwealth will be front-loading a significant increase in their healthcare contribution for members by a cumulative 28% contribution increase over the life of the contract – most of these increases will be in the first two years of the deal. This was prioritized to keep up with projected rapid increases in healthcare costs.
We were also able to increase meal reimbursements for SEIU 668 members who travel. Instead of receiving $3.50/meal, members will now receive $12 for lunch and $12 for dinner. These meal reimbursements have not changed for over a decade, and this will greatly impact members in areas like OCDEL and BHSL.
Those who earn a meal under our Article 8, Section 2 language will see their reimbursement increase from $8 to $15.
Members will be able to sell up to three days of annual leave back to the Commonwealth starting in 2025. This will provide a lump sum payment equivalent to three days' pay if you choose to sell these days of leave in January of each year. Please note these lump sum payments are subject to federal, state, and local taxes--if you have questions in January 2025 you will need to speak with Commonwealth HR.
Finally, we were able to gain overtime compensation for supervisory members who are at Pay Level 8 or higher, meaning they will finally be paid OT wages for any overtime hours they work.
Are there any changes to healthcare contributions?
Yes, there is an increase in the formula for employee healthcare contributions. We were successful in splitting these increases between contract year 1 and contract year 4. As it has been in the past, workers covered by the agreement will fall into one of two categories – those who participate in the Get Healthy program and those who do not.
With Get Healthy Waiver
Employees who participate in the Get Healthy program will pay 2.75% of their salary for healthcare beginning July 1, 2023. That amount will increase to 3.00% on July 1, 2026. This will be a total increase of 0.5%.
Without Get Healthy Waiver
Employees who do not participate in the Get Healthy program will pay double the above numbers – 5.5% of their salary on July 1, 2023, and then 6.00% on July 1, 2026. This will be a total increase of 1%.
SEIU 668 is one of the highest percentage unions in Get Healthy, and as such most of our members pay this lower percentage amount. We strongly encourage you to participate in the Get Healthy program to maximize cost savings.
The employer’s contribution per employee will increase each year for the life of the contract. Currently, the employer pays $536 dollars for your healthcare each pay period.
- July 2023 - $590
- July 2024 - $649
- July 2025 - $668
- July 2026 - $688
By the end of the contract, the employer will contribute an additional 28% cumulatively per pay to your healthcare.
How does healthcare bargaining work with the Commonwealth?
At the bargaining table, we negotiate over the money that goes into our healthcare plan. Plan design is handled by the Pennsylvania Employee Benefits Trust Fund (PEBTF). The PEBTF is overseen by trustees, half of which are union-appointed and the other half of which are management. Our union holds one of 16 seats on this board, with the President as our representative.
In order to ensure that the fund remains healthy, the Union negotiated increases to the employer’s contributions. Plan design is not a part of these negotiations.
Will there be changes to our healthcare plan after ratification?
With the investments made in this contract, we do not project to need to change healthcare plan design over the life of the contract.
Based on current projections, the overall cost of healthcare across the nation will rise exponentially in the coming years. To offset those upcoming increases, the parties agreed to increases that should keep the fund on sound footing. Proportionally, the Commonwealth and SEIU 668 members will pay the same ratio of cost towards their healthcare plans.
While changes are not projected, the Union has continued to monitor member feedback with regard to our healthcare plans and advocate accordingly. The President regularly advocates for worker-friendly cost savings and benefit-plan improvements in his role at the board.
Should any changes become either necessary or beneficial, we will reach out to the membership prior to any decision-making. We will have one of the votes at the table for such design changes and will utilize it accordingly.
Will I still be able to telework?
Yes. The union discussed telework for workers that both did and did not have it throughout negotiations. Ultimately, management still has the right to determine broad telework policy outside of the arrangements we have in place. We extensively discussed the disconnect at worksites that don’t have telework and have an understanding with the Office of Administration to enter discussions, when deemed appropriate by both parties, to foster more productive dialogue where local discussions around telework are most problematic.
Did we agree to any changes to retiree benefits or our pensions?
No. Our pensions are part of state law and are subject to change through the legislative process. State employees do not bargain over this. We do, however, constantly work to stop legislation that would hurt the retirement security of our members. There have been no changes to pensions since 2017.
Are there changes to our leave benefits?
We won the ability for new hires to anticipate up to three days of sick leave immediately. Juneteenth is now in the contract as a paid holiday, reflective of a previous side letter we signed. We were able to prevent any reductions in leave benefits. Agreements made will also allow employees to carry compensatory time and paid time off for working a holiday longer into the following year (10 full pay periods). Additionally, as outlined previously, you will be able to sell back three days of annual leave each year starting in January 2025.
Were there any improvements to our health and safety language?
Yes. We were able to add language that the worksite should be safe “and secure” and that management is to follow its own safety policies/directives, communicate those policies/directives to the membership, and to communicate any worksite closure decisions/delays to the workers in those facilities as quickly as possible.
Were there any improvements for Energy Assistance Workers?
Yes. Each contract we do our utmost to remove differences for seasonal employees, such as EAWs. For the first time, EAWs will be able to utilize union business leave and continue to accrue seniority on holidays, so long as they’re in active pay status, whether they utilize paid leave or not on that date. While we fought to get paid holidays for EAWs throughout bargaining, we could not get the Employer to come to an agreement on this.
Who is eligible to vote on the tentative agreement?
All Commonwealth members who signed-up before 5PM on August 1st will receive voting information. If you have co-workers who would like to become union members, please direct them to sign-up either on ESS or by completing our online card here: https://bit.ly/SEIU668PLRB
I didn’t get my voting packet in the mail. What should I do?
If you have not received a packet in the mail from the American Arbitration Association (AAA) with your team letter, Summary of Changes, and voting information by Tuesday, August 15th, please call AAA and speak to Maria at 215-731-2280.
How does this tentative agreement address recruitment for open positions?
By front-loading raises in this contract, start rates will increase more quickly. Additionally, with the Commonwealth's 28% cumulative healthcare contribution increase while keeping member increases lower comparatively, the total package of wages, healthcare, leave benefits, and job protections will hopefully attract more hires.
Our work doesn’t end with a new contract, however. We will continue to fight during the term of the contract for additional incentives to recruit and retain workers.
What are side letters?
Side letters are additional contractual agreements that work in conjunction with your contract. Post-ratification, the Commonwealth has committed to continuing discussions over various ongoing issues – forensic positions at SCI Waymart, utilization of non-English language work within certain Labor and Industry work locations, and potential educational/vocational pay adjustments in certain work locations (most specifically but not limited to 24/7 operations).
How do you suggest I use our new contract?
Not as a paperweight.
We think you should use it as a tool for justice in your workplace to make sure you and your coworkers are treated fairly and equitably.
How do I do that? I’m just a union member.
As a member, you’re the lifeblood of our union. Without you, there is no contract or contract enforcement.
A good place to start is educating yourself and coworkers about what is in our contract. The best way to know when a violation is occurring is to know the contract.
What can’t I do?
Our ability to work with our contract is only limited by the law and our own knowledge of the agreement. Limits shouldn’t include our will, imagination, or our boss’s attempts to intimidate us. We can only make our workplace better if we all step up together.
Sometimes an issue can be resolved with a conversation or a Meet and Discuss session. At other times, a grievance may be necessary.
How do I file a grievance?
You should consult your steward, who is there to help and discuss whether a violation of the contract is occurring. Working together to assess the situation is a great first step. After that, if a violation occurs and it hasn’t been fixed, a grievance is an important tool to enforce the contract.
I have some thoughts about this deal. How can my voice be heard?
Our union is democratically run, and dues-paying members determine the course of all actions we take. As a member, you have the ultimate voice in this contract – your vote!
Voting and actively participating in our union’s efforts is the best way to keep our union strong and influence its actions today, tomorrow, and well into the future. If you don’t participate, your voice isn’t heard.
Who comprises the bargaining team, and what did they recommend?
The bargaining team is a mix of elected member-representatives that are full-time state employees and staff from the union –the union staff includes legal counsel, field staff, officers, and communicators. Once a tentative agreement is reached, only the elected member-representatives of the bargaining team have the capacity to recommend whether to accept the contract or reject it and vote for a strike.
Those member-representatives unanimously voted to recommend to the membership that they vote yes and accept this contract.
So, what are my options when I vote?
You have two options. Members must either vote yes to accept the contract proposal or vote no and authorize the bargaining team the ability to call a strike. There is no third option.
While the Negotiations Team was hammering away to get a fair deal, Local 668 members were engaging in solidarity actions -- such as Purple Days, breakouts, and our petition drive -- to show strength and support for the Team’s bargaining efforts.
Thanks to the efforts of Local 668’s members, the Negotiations Team feels strongly that they have achieved the best possible agreement with the Commonwealth. However, as a democratically run Union, the ultimate decision to accept the agreement or strike is in the hands of the membership.
But please, if you vote no and you indicate you are willing to strike, you must be prepared to strike if called upon. Otherwise, the union likely stands to lose more than it will gain if a strong majority of the membership is not ready to strike and the union rejects the contract.
If you have additional questions that are not discussed on this page, please send a personal email to Local668@seiu668.org today.